Types of Paper
Original Research
Original research articles must offer detailed reports into research questions, methodologies, and results.
Word Limit: Main text up to 3.000 words (excluding abstract, references, and figure/table legends).
• Title Page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, funding, disclosure of relationships, ethical statement, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count.
• Abstract: Structured format (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion with keywords) within 250 words.
• Main Text: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
• Figures/Tables: Up to 5 each with explanatory captions for all figures and tables.
• References: Maximum of 40.
Submission Requirements:
Cover Letter
Title Page
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
Ethics approval for studies involving human subjects (retrospective/prospective).
ICJME Disclosure Form.
Authorship Form.
Please follow the link for forms and templates; https://sexualsciencejournal.com/index.php/pub/templates
Review Article
Review articles provide comprehensive analyses of existing literature and may include structured or unstructured abstracts.
Word Limit: Main text up to 5.000 words.
• Title page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, disclosure of relationships, funding, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count.
• Abstract: 250 words, unstructured format with keywords.
• Main Text: Introduction, Methods (if systematic), Discussion, and Conclusion.
• Figures/Tables: Tables (max. 5) and figures/images (max. 5) with explanatory captions for all figures and tables must be uploaded as separate files.
• References: Maximum of 70.
Submission Requirements:
Cover Letter
Title Page
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
ICJME Disclosure Form.
Authorship Form.
Please follow the link for forms and templates; https://sexualsciencejournal.com/index.php/pub/templates
Case Report
Case reports highlight unique clinical cases, emphasizing their relevance to medical practice and education.
Word Limit: Main text up to 2.000 words.
• Title Page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, disclosure of relationships, funding, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count. Includes a written declaration must be provided attesting to the receipt and archiving of written patient consent.
• Abstract: Brief, 250 words, unstructured.
• Main Text: Introduction, Case Description, and Discussion.
• Figures/Tables: Tables (max. 1) and figures/images (max. 3) with explanatory captions for all figures and tables must be uploaded as separate files.
• References: Maximum of 20.
Submission Requirements:
Cover Letter
Title Page
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
ICJME Disclosure Form.
Authorship Form.
Please follow the link for forms and templates; https://sexualsciencejournal.com/index.php/pub/templates
Letter to the Editor
Letters include commentary on published articles or relevant issues in the journal's field. Letters may respond to recently published articles within the journal. Invited responses to previously published Letters are also accepted.
Word Limit: Up to 1.000 words.
• Title Page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, disclosure of relationships, funding, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count.
• Main Text: Unstructured.
• Figures/Tables: Up to 1 table and 1 figure/image may be included if essential for clarity with explanatory captions for all figures and tables must be uploaded as separate files.
• References: Maximum of 10.
Formatting Requirements:
• Title for responses to published articles:
“Letter to the Editor Regarding [Insert Article Title Here]”
• Title for replies to letters:
“In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding [Insert Article Title Here]”
Submission Requirements:
Cover Letter
Title Page
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
ICJME Disclosure Form.
Authorship Form.
Please follow the link for forms and templates; https://sexualsciencejournal.com/index.php/pub/templates
Research Note
It is expected that research notes will present concise reports that focus on specific findings, methodologies or preliminary data. Research notes should encourage polemical clarity and engaging rhetoric while maintaining a strong focus on scientific rigor.
Word Limit: Main text up to 2.000 words.
• Title Page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, disclosure of relationships, funding, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count.
• Abstract: Structured format (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion with keywords) within 200 words.
• Main Text: Introduction, Methods, Findings, and Discussion
• Figures/Tables: Tables, figures, and images (max. 2 total) with explanatory captions for all figures and tables must be uploaded as separate files.
• References: Up to 15.
Submission Requirements:
Cover Letter
Title Page
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
ICJME Disclosure Form.
Authorship Form.
Please follow the link for forms and templates; https://sexualsciencejournal.com/index.php/pub/templates
Book Review (only invited by the Editorial Board)
Reviews of published books in health sciences that evaluate their relevance and contributions to the field.
Word Limit: Main text up to 1.500 words.
• Title Page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, disclosure of relationships, funding, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count.
• Main Text: Introduction, Critical Analysis, and Conclusion.
• Figures/Tables: None.
• References: Up to 10.
Submission Requirements:
Cover Letter
Title Page
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
ICJME Disclosure Form.
Authorship Form.
Please follow the link for forms and templates; https://sexualsciencejournal.com/index.php/pub/templates
Editorial (by invitation only)
Editorials provide interpretation and critical analyses of current trends, policies within the journal's scope, or recently published articles.
Word Limit: Main text up to 1.500 words.
• Title Page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, disclosure of relationships, funding, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count.
• Main Text: Flexible format.
• Figures/Tables: Tables, figures, and images (max. 2 total) with explanatory captions for all figures and tables must be uploaded as separate files.
• References: Maximum of 10.
Submission Requirements:
Cover Letter
Title Page
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
ICJME Disclosure Form.
Authorship Form.
Please follow the link for forms and templates; https://sexualsciencejournal.com/index.php/pub/templates
For further clarification, contact the editorial office on the journal’s website. https://sexualsciencejournal.com/index.php/pub/about/contact