Authorship Criteria
The International Journal of Sexual Science adheres to the authorship criteria defined by four conditions. These criteria emphasize that all authors must meet the following four conditions:
Significant Contribution: Authors should have substantially contributed to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.
Drafting or Revising: They should participate in drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
Final Approval: Authors must approve the final version of the manuscript to be published.
Accountability: They should agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work, ensuring that questions related to accuracy or integrity are appropriately addressed.
It is essential that all listed authors fulfill all four criteria, and individuals who do not meet these criteria should not be included as authors. They may, however, be acknowledged for their contributions (e.g., editing, or administrative support).
The corresponding author is primarily responsible for managing all communication with the journal during the submission, peer review, and publication phases. This responsibility includes ensuring the accurate completion and timely submission of all required documents, such as authorship details, ethical approval certificates, clinical trial registrations, and conflict-of-interest disclosures. While these tasks may be delegated to co-authors, the corresponding author must oversee and verify their completion.
Throughout the peer review process, the corresponding author should be readily available to address editorial inquiries or provide additional information when needed. After publication, they are expected to respond to critiques or requests for data and ensure collaboration with the journal on any subsequent issues related to the published work.
The author information and copyright agreement form, a requisite document for submission with the application, must be signed by all authors. In order to receive communication with regard to the editorial correspondence, all authors are required to log in to the online application system of the journal. All authors are required to log into the journal's online submission and review system using their unique identifier information (ORCID ID).
For multi-author collaborations, it is crucial that authorship roles and responsibilities are clearly defined before the research begins. All contributors designated as authors must meet the authorship criteria, confirming their substantial involvement in the work and their agreement to take public responsibility for its accuracy and integrity. The corresponding author should ensure that all contributors provide completed author information and copyright agreement forms as part of the submission process.
In the case of large collaborative projects, authorship may be attributed to a group name, provided that the corresponding author identifies the individuals who meet the authorship criteria. The group name should be explicitly mentioned in the manuscript, and the roles of each contributor should be clearly outlined in accompanying documentation.
The review process will include all authors who have made contributions to the manuscript. Any requests to modify the order of authors, add, or remove authors can be submitted during the review process or between the manuscript's acceptance and its publication. However, these requests must comply with the following conditions:
• A detailed justification for the proposed change must be submitted.
• A signed declaration indicating that the proposed changes have been unanimously agreed upon by all contributing authors including those being added or removed. is mandatory.
• Authorship changes after publication will not be accepted.
All requests for changes in authorship must be submitted in writing to the Editor or the Publisher via the contact details provided on the journal's website. The final decision on any authorship changes lies with the Editor.
For further details, please consult the official ICMJE recommendations: Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors.