Open Access Policy

The International Journal of Sexual Science adheres to an open access model, ensuring that all content published in the journal is freely available to readers worldwide, without any subscription fees or access restrictions. This approach supports the dissemination of research to a broad audience, including authors, readers, and funders, and enhances the visibility and impact of the work.

All articles published in the International Journal of Sexual Science are available under the Creative Commons CC BY Attribution 4.0 International license. This license permits users to share, adapt, and build upon the material for any purpose, including commercial use, as long as proper credit is given to the original authors. Authors retain full copyright over their work, allowing them to maintain control over its use and distribution.

All published articles are immediately available on the journal's website, with no embargo periods. Authors are encouraged to self-archive their work, and the journal uses reputable digital preservation systems (Portico, the PKP Preservation Network, LOCKSS, and CLOCKSS) to ensure the long-term availability and security of the published content.

For more information, articles can be accessed at link, and submissions can be made through

This policy aims to maximize the accessibility and longevity of research published in the International Journal of Sexual Sciences, while adhering to the principles of open access and academic integrity.