Archiving Policy


The International Journal of Sexual Science ensures that all published content is accessible on the journal's website. If the journal ceases publication, the website will remain accessible for one year to allow continued access to the content. Furthermore, the journal's entire archive is preserved in reputable digital preservation networks such as Portico, the PKP Preservation Network, LOCKSS, and CLOCKSS. This guarantees long-term accessibility and preservation of the journal's research, even in the event of its discontinuation.

The International Journal of Sexual Science operates under an Open Access model, allowing free and unrestricted access to all published articles. There is no embargo period, and the content is available immediately upon publication. Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, meaning they can be freely used and shared as long as proper attribution is given to the original authors. The copyright remains with the authors, and the articles are archived in various locations, including the publisher’s archive, Crossref, the journal's website, and the author’s personal website. To maintain academic integrity, articles must be cited correctly according to proper citation standards and linked to the publisher's version with its DOI.

Authors are encouraged to self-archive their work on personal websites, social media platforms, or institutional repositories, ensuring that the final published version of their article is available for archival purposes.

Articles can be self-archived in public and commercial repositories, with the condition that proper attribution is provided and a link to the journal's homepage or the article's DOI is included.

The full-text content of articles is available for download in PDF format.