Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- Has the cover letter addressed to the editor been submitted with the manuscript?
Has an ethics committee approval been obtained?
* Ethics committee approval is mandatory for all research, including clinical and experimental research involving humans or animals that require ethical clearance (retrospectvive or prospective).
* This approval must be clearly stated in the Methods section and on the title page with the approval number, date and approved institution. The document must be uploaded as a separate file. - Is a properly formatted title page included in the submission?
- Has the manuscript been approved by all contributing authors? (The Disclosure of Interests form must be completed separately by each contributor. The forms are published in the 'Templates and Forms' tab, located under the 'For Contributors' menu.)
- For studies involving humans, is there a signed "Informed Consent Form" obtained from all participants? (The forms are published in the 'Templates and Forms' tab, located under the 'For Contributors' menu.)
- Have all authors provided their ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) numbers?
- Does the article include a clear statement on the contribution of each researcher, acknowledgment of support, and a declaration of any conflicts of interest? Has the "Acknowledgment of Authorship Form" been signed, completed, and submitted to the journal?
- Has the manuscript undergone a thorough spell and grammar check to ensure clarity and accuracy?
Original Research
Original research articles must offer detailed reports into research questions, methodologies, and results.
Word Limit: Main text up to 3.000 words (excluding abstract, references, and figure/table legends).
• Title Page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, funding, disclosure of relationships, ethical statement, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count.
• Abstract: Structured format (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion with keywords) within 250 words.
• Main Text: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
• Figures/Tables: Up to 5 each with explanatory captions for all figures and tables.
• References: Maximum of 40.
Submission Requirements:
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
Ethics approval for studies involving human subjects (retrospective/prospective).
ICJME Disclosure Form.
Acknowledgment of Authorship Form.
Review Article
Review articles provide comprehensive analyses of existing literature and may include structured or unstructured abstracts.
Word Limit: Main text up to 5.000 words.
• Title page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, disclosure of relationships, funding, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count.
• Abstract: 250 words, unstructured format with keywords.
• Main Text: Introduction, Methods (if systematic), Discussion, and Conclusion.
• Figures/Tables: Tables (max. 5) and figures/images (max. 5) with explanatory captions for all figures and tables must be uploaded as separate files.
• References: Maximum of 70.
Submission Requirements:
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
ICJME Disclosure Form.
Acknowledgment of Authorship Form.
Case Report
Case reports highlight unique clinical cases, emphasizing their relevance to medical practice and education.
Word Limit: Main text up to 2.000 words.
• Title Page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, disclosure of relationships, funding, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count. Includes a written declaration must be provided attesting to the receipt and archiving of written patient consent.
• Abstract: Brief, 250 words, unstructured.
• Main Text: Introduction, Case Description, and Discussion.
• Figures/Tables: Tables (max. 1) and figures/images (max. 3) with explanatory captions for all figures and tables must be uploaded as separate files.
• References: Maximum of 20.
Submission Requirements:
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
Letter to Editor
Letters include commentary on published articles or relevant issues in the journal's field. Letters may respond to recently published articles within the journal. Invited responses to previously published Letters are also accepted.
Word Limit: Up to 1.000 words.
• Title Page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, disclosure of relationships, funding, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count.
• Main Text: Unstructured.
• Figures/Tables: Up to 1 table and 1 figure/image may be included if essential for clarity with explanatory captions for all figures and tables must be uploaded as separate files.
• References: Maximum of 10.
Formatting Requirements:
• Title for responses to published articles:
“Letter to the Editor Regarding [Insert Article Title Here]”
• Title for replies to letters:
“In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding [Insert Article Title Here]”
Submission Requirements:
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
ICJME Disclosure Form.
Acknowledgment of Authorship Form.
Research Note
It is expected that research notes will present concise reports that focus on specific findings, methodologies or preliminary data. Research notes should encourage polemical clarity and engaging rhetoric while maintaining a strong focus on scientific rigor.
Word Limit: Main text up to 2.000 words.
• Title Page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, disclosure of relationships, funding, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count.
• Abstract: Structured format (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion with keywords) within 200 words.
• Main Text: Introduction, Methods, Findings, and Discussion
• Figures/Tables: Tables, figures, and images (max. 2 total) with explanatory captions for all figures and tables must be uploaded as separate files.
• References: Up to 15.
Submission Requirements:
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
ICJME Disclosure Form.
Acknowledgment of Authorship Form.
Book Review
Reviews of published books in health sciences that evaluate their relevance and contributions to the field.
Word Limit: Main text up to 1.500 words.
• Title Page: Title, author’s names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs, correspondence author information, disclaimers, disclosure of relationships, funding, acknowledgments, word and figure/table count.
• Main Text: Introduction, Critical Analysis, and Conclusion.
• Figures/Tables: None.
• References: Up to 10.
Submission Requirements:
Supplementary materials must be uploaded as separate files.
ICJME Disclosure Form.
Acknowledgment of Authorship Form.
Copyright Notice
The International Journal of Sexual Science allows authors to retain full copyright over their work without any restrictions. Furthermore, no fees will be required for any process related to evaluation or publication.
The copyright terms for each published article are explicitly outlined in the publication files and on the journal's website. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work does not infringe on the copyright of others. If third-party materials are used, proper permissions must be obtained, and the responsibility for these permissions lies solely with the author(s).
The content published in the International Journal of Sexual Science is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, which grants the freedom to share, copy, redistribute, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, including commercial use.
The license requires providing appropriate credit to the original authors, including a link to the license, and indicating if any changes were made to the material. Authors are free to do this in any reasonable manner, but must not suggest that the licensor endorses that use or the version of the material. Additionally, authors may not impose legal terms or technological measures that prevent others from exercising the rights granted by the license.
The license does not cover elements of the material that are in the public domain or where use is permitted under an applicable exception or limitation. Furthermore, no warranties are provided with the license, and it may not grant all permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as privacy, publicity, or moral rights may place limits on how you can use the material. The license does not restrict the integrity or ownership of the work.
• Copyright Agreement: Authors must review and accept the Acknowledgment of Authorship Form before submitting their work to the journal's online system. A signed copy of this agreement must be uploaded along with the submission.
• Originality of Work: Authors affirm that the submitted article is their original creation and that no plagiarism has occurred. Proper attribution must be given for any referenced material according to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
• Author Responsibility: Each author has individually contributed to the study and holds full responsibility for the content of the manuscript. The authors also affirm their compliance with the license terms, including appropriate citation and attribution.
• Approval: All authors must have reviewed and approved the final version of the submitted article before submission.
• Prior Publication: Authors confirm that the article has not been published elsewhere and will not be submitted simultaneously for publication in any other journal.
• Intellectual Property Compliance: Authors are responsible for ensuring that the text, figures, and documents used in the article do not infringe on the copyrights of third parties. Any such use must be properly cited in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
• Publication Authorization: Authors grant The International Journal of Sexual Science permission to publish the article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license and acknowledge the journal as the original publisher. To maintain academic integrity, articles must be cited correctly according to proper citation standards and linked to the publisher's version with its DOI.
• Usage by Third Parties: Authors grant third parties the right to freely use the article, provided that appropriate credit is given to the original authors and proper citation details are included. The license does not restrict the integrity or ownership of the work.
• License Scope: The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license allows for the unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction of the article, even commercially, provided that the original work is properly credited.
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